Let's get straight to the point: They push themselves too hard, too fast! We know how exciting it is to get cleared to workout but the last thing you want to do is go all out. Why? Chances are you'll get hurt, burn out, and possibly GAIN weight. Yikes.
Pushing too hard and trying too much is the biggest mistake post-op patients make. Starting at a super intense level can actually work against you by triggering muscle loss and fat gain and putting you at an increased risk of getting injured which will really hold you back.
Overdoing your workouts can sabotage you in the long-run.
Continue reading to learn how you can push past your comfort zone to lose weight and make progress without hurting yourself or burning out.
Warning signs you're going too hard:
You're super sore. Some soreness is normal after working out. But soreness that persists for more than 2 days could mean something more serious. Constant soreness may mean your body isn't recovery adequately.
Your workout performance has decreased. If you notice you're feeling particularly sluggish, it may be because you're not resting enough. Your muscles need time to rest and repair to work their best during your workouts.
Your heart rate says so. If you have a heart rate monitor, it will tell you right away when you're working out at a super intense level. Even if you don't have a heart rate monitor, you will feel your heart beating way more when you kick it up a notch. While it's normal for your heart rate to increase with exercise, going above 90% of your maximum heart rate can be dangerous and lead to feelings of discomfort. Pay attention to how you feel.
You're nauseous. Nausea and vomiting are two serious side effects of overtraining. If you feel nauseous, dizzy, or lightheaded stop exercising immediately. You should not feel either of these sensations during a workout. Exercise is supposed to make you feel good!
Side Effects of Overtraining:
Increased fatigue
Increased hunger
Decreased thyroid function
Poor sleep
Increased cortisol
Increased insulin
All of these symptoms can lead to weight gain!
It is so important that you give your body time to rehydrate, replenish, recover, and repair after every workout. Here are 4 ways to ensure you're not working out too hard:
1. Eat well and hydrate. Feed your body nutrient-dense foods and drink plenty of water.
2. Go for walks. Gently walking will keep blood flowing throughout your whole body, providing oxygen to your muscles to help repair them.
3. Try restorative workouts like yoga. People think they need to do hours and hours of high-intensity cardio to lose weight when in fact that can cause weight gain. Mix things up by adding some gentle yoga to your weekly routine.
4. Sleep well. Sleep is crucial for your body to repair and recover. Poor sleep can also lead to food cravings and increased levels of cortisol which contributes to belly fat.
Don't get overzealous when starting out. Take your time with your workouts and increase your intensity over time. Avoid spending hours and hours at the gym if you want to stay sane and see results!